The success of the Schaffner Group is the result of a long-term focus on sustainable processes. Schaffner is committed to energy efficiency and reliability – both in innovative customer solutions and in the Group’s own activities. The management of the Schaffner Group strongly supports employees’ well-being through fair terms of employment, safe jobs, and the development of every person’s individual potential.

Integrity Code
The Schaffner Group has earned a reputation for being an ethical business organization. It is our responsibility to foster this valuable reputation for the future. It makes good business sense to deal with our employees, customers, our competitors, our associates, our suppliers, our communities, and governmental agencies in a fair and professional manner.
Integrity Code
RBA Responsible Business Alliance
Schaffner has adopted the Code of Conduct of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) to support continuous improvement in the social, environmental, and ethical responsibility of the supply chain. All Schaffner companies ensure that working conditions in our supply chain are safe, that workers are treated with respect and dignity, and that business operations are environmentally responsible.
UN Global Compact
Schaffner has joined the UN Global Compact initiative, which means that Schaffner has entered into the obligation to live up to the ten principles and to issue an annual Communication on Progress (COP), a public disclosure to stakeholders, communicating progress made in implementing the ten principles.
Conflict Minerals Policy
Schaffner supports the Conflict Minerals Act such that we do not directly or indirectly finance, or benefit armed groups through mining or mineral trading in the DRC and adjoining countries.
Business Ethics Committee
Based on the Schaffner Anti-Corruption Policy, Schaffner has established a Business Ethics Committee, where tip-offs about anti-corruption and compliance violations can be submitted. These reports are reviewed and processed by an impartial team. The office to notify whistleblower tips can be reached at:

Sustainability Report
The Executive Committee of the Schaffner Group actively supports efforts to improve sustainability. The relevant key performance indicators are regularly reported, the results discussed, and corresponding actions taken as part of a continuous process of improvement.
Sustainability Report