Celebrating Miguel’s First Ironman: A Journey of Determination and Persistence

Jul 25, 2024
Vanessa Huber

At Schaffner, we believe in supporting our employees not only in their professional endeavors but also in their personal challenges and goals. We are proud to share the journey of Miguel, who recently completed his first Ironman triathlon in Thun, Switzerland. 

The beginning of July marked the culmination of Miguel’s 15-month long preparation as he stood at the starting line of the Ironman Thun. 

The 3.8 km swim was grueling, with water temperatures at a chilling 15°C and poor visibility. Miguel described it as the most challenging swim of his life, finishing in 1 hour and 10 minutes. Emerging from the water, he was dizzy and freezing but received timely assistance from the support team.

Transitioning to the 180 km bike ride, Miguel faced continued rain and temperatures of just 13°C. Without arm covers, he struggled to warm up for the first 40 minutes. As the weather improved, he rode through scenic Swiss landscapes, maintaining an average speed of 31.3 km/h and completing the ride in 5 hours and 44 minutes.

The final 42.2 km marathon began strong, with Miguel maintaining a 5 min/km pace. However, fatigue set in at kilometer 33, slowing him to 6 min/km. Miguel finished the marathon in 3 hours and 39 minutes, bringing his total race time to 10 hours and 47 minutes. He finished 213th out of 1,126 finishers and 45th in his category, an incredible achievement for his first Ironman.

Miguel’s preparation for the Ironman was an intense and demanding journey, often more challenging than the race itself. His training regimen since January included:

  • Swimming: 62 hours, covering 185 km
  • Cycling: 145 hours, covering 4,312 km
  • Running: 68 hours, covering 777 km

On average, Miguel trained 11 hours per week, gradually increasing the volume as the race approached. This rigorous training schedule required immense discipline, time management and the ability to push through both physical and mental barriers.

Completing the Ironman is a monumental achievement, and Miguel’s journey is a testament to what can be accomplished with dedication, support and perseverance. This experience has not only been a physical challenge but also a profound learning journey about the importance of consistency, time management and resilience.

Congratulations, Miguel, on your remarkable Ironman achievement! We are proud to have supported you on this journey and look forward to cheering you on in your future endeavors.